Wednesday, February 18, 2015

Traditional Musical Instrument of Sunda

Traditional Musical Instrument of Sunda
Sundanese Music Instrument


Angklung is a traditional musical instrument and it's made from a special bamboo, which was found by Mr.Daeng Sutigna around years of 1938. At the first, Angklung was only used to the interests of local or traditional arts. However, Angklung has producing a gently sounds and also it has a local and international content such as musical scale doremifasolasido and daminatilada, the Angklung was rapidly growing, not only locally but also performed for the regionally, nationally and internationally. Even reportedly angklung performance ever been played in front of the head of state on the African Asian Conference in 1955 at the Merdeka Building in Bandung, West Java-Indonesia. After the death of Daeng Sutigna, the artistic creations Angklung be continued by Mang Ujo and Erwin Anwar. Even Mang Ujo has made the manufacture and development center creations of Angklung which is called "Saung Angklung Mang Oku", located in Padasuka Cicaheum Bandung. One of the programs that he did a specially to maintain the Angklung is by introduced it to the students of the school, begin from nursery school up to high school level and even has become one of the subjects of the curriculum at the local. Angklung is now listed as the Oral legacy Masterpieces and Intangible Heritage of Humanity by UNESCO since November 2010.


Calung is Sundanese traditional musical instrument which is the prototype of Angklung. The different of them is the Angklung played by shaken, but in Calung the way we play it is to hit the stalk of segments are arranged according to the point of barrel pentatonic (da-mi-na-ti-la-da) .Understanding Calung than as a musical instrument is also attached as a performance art. There are two forms of Sunda Calung known, called Calung Rantay and Calung Jingjing.


Kecapi is already familiar to the people of Indonesia. Traditional musical instrument which is played by picking, it produce wave tones and beautiful harmonies. But not many people know about the typical of Kecapi or Kacapi Suling Cianjur, even though this musical instrument located almost in every county in the land of Sunda. Kecapi mostly played for the instrumental music, but sometimes also used to accompany the singing of Rampak Sekar. usually The songs are presented was sinom gamelan, kaleon, talutur with salendro barrel, pelog or Sorog.


There are several Gamelan were existed, and continues to grow in West Java, its including Gamelan Salendro, Pelog and Degung. Gamelan Salendro ussualy used to accompany the Wayang, Tari, Kliningan, Jaipongan and others. Gamelan Pelog function is similar to Gamelan Salendro, only less evolved and less familiar in society and rarely owned by arts groups society. This indicates that a set of Gamelan Salendro is quite a representation for this whole Gamelans instrument, while Gamelan Degung was felt fairly represented the people of West Java distinctiveness.

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