Friday, February 20, 2015

The Other Traditional Art of Sunda

The Other Traditional Art of Sunda

Others Tradition of Sunda

Adu Domba

Adu Domba is one of the typical folk art western Java are quite popular, this art is an ancestral art that survived its existence until today. Basically, Adu Domba is a showcase the agility of a livestock that will eventually raise the prestige of an association of certain livestock. The participants are breeders of sheep which is scattered in almost all western Java, especially garut, sumedang, Bandung, Majalengka and others. Event Adu Domba held every year by a system of competition, almost every month of this project is implemented in the rotating areas.
In Bandung one of Adu Domba's arena was located in the Valley of Siliwangi. Each event is always crowded with many audiences. This activity also has a fairly high prestige because many figures Sundanese also a fans of it and the owner of livestock at the same time, such as Kang Ibing and others.

Wayang Golek

The origin of Wayang Golek is unknown because there is no complete information about it in written or oral explainations. The presence of Wayang Golek show can not be separated from the wayang kulit because it basic development of it. There are statement that in 1583 AD, Sunan Kudus make puppets from the woods which is then called Wayang Golek that can be performed during daylight hours.
In line with it, Ismunandar (1988) mentions that in the early 16th century Sunan Kudus making 70 pieces of 'Wayang purwo' with a story accompanied by gamelan Salendro Menak. The show is held during the day. This puppet does not require color. The shape resembles a doll made of wood (instead of leather as well as Wayang Kulit) but its kind like Golek. Therefore, its called as the Wayang Golek.

Kuda Renggong

Kuda Renggong is one of the folk performing arts originally it came from Sumedang. The word "Renggong" in this art is a metathesis from the word Ronggeng kamonesan (Sundanese for "skills") way of running a horse that has been trained to dance following the rhythm of music, especially Kendang (the sundanese drum), which are usually used as solo media in procession of child circumcision.
According to the narrative of several artists, Kuda Renggong first emerged is from the village named Cikurubuk, Buah Dua Subdistrict, Sumedang District. In the development of Kuda Renggong experience progressing quite well, so it spread to various villages in several districts outside the District of Buah Dua it self. Today, Kuda Renggong also spread to other areas outside the Sumedang District.

Previous : Tradisional Dance of Sunda

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